Monday, October 25, 2010

#2 Bonus Blog - Daisy's passage

For John was young and his fake realm of emotions and actions was surrounding him with smells and styles that set the mood of that time of year, assimilating the new and insightful meanings of life that come along only every so often when you let your mind wander. During this night that John was looking at life in lots of new ways, a D.J. was mixing a lonely, but still joyful tune and it drifted into his mind and made him the littlest bit happier than he had been what seems like a year ago, but was just but a blink in the past. All of the other beings around him danced as if their souls were on fire and they would continue to do so until they could stand no longer, and at that moment they would crawl into taxis and be whisked away to their lairs. Meanwhile, the festival of dancing would continue on as if they had never left, because there were always fresh, new souls to join in on the merriment that leaked through every room in the house as if it were an entity itself.

Through this sickly sweet realm of happiness and sorrow John began to internally change, and before he knew it he was flirting with different girls every couple of minutes but then he would move to the next group because he had seen that these females he had been conversing previously with were nothing like him in any way so he moved to a new group to try and find someone with a good connection to him. He awoke the next morning laying next to strangers that he could just vaguely remember. he then looked at everyone near him very deeply. He looked at their faces, who they were lying next to, he remembered what their conversations were last night when they spoke, and he finally realized it. They were just like him. In every way. He realized that they had no idea about what they were doing, only that they were all looking for love, attention, and something to live for. He then got up, took in a deep breath and knew that everything would eventually be o.k. John went home a new man, a better man, and he looked forward to what his new life would be like and he took with him the ideas of all of the strangers he had never come to know, yet he knew so well.

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