Tuesday, November 2, 2010

#4 Outline

Thesis: Gatsby is depicted as a Christ figure and a bad man at the same time and he cannot seem to make sense of the world, so he tries to reach out to his friends and the people around him for answers.
1.The Beginning
A.Platonic Conception of himself (98)
B.He was about his father's business (98)
2. Chaos of the World
A.Hard rock or the wet marshes (2)
B.The rock of the world on a fairy's wing (99)
3. Antichrist Figure
A.Eckleburg thinks he is God (159)
B.Eckleburg's eyes watch over the Valley of Ashes (159)
4. The End of Gatsby and his Understanding of Truth
A.Gatsby carries the mattress/(cross) t the place where he dies (161)
B.Valley of Ashes/(Hell) (23)
C.Gatsby's Book/(Bible/Ten Commandments) (173)

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