Tuesday, November 2, 2010

#3 First Paragraph

In the book, The Great Gatsby, a man named Gatsby is represented as a Christ figure and also as a man who takes the easier/ bad path in life while he searches for the answers and the Truth of the world and how he can make sense of his life and what he is meant to do. He creates himself, almost like Jesus, through his own will attained from the ideas of others. He then does what he thinks he should do to get what he thinks he wants, which is a girl named Daisy. He takes a low path in life to get money, resorting to bootlegging to get rich because he thinks money will solve his problems and help him achieve his goal of eternal satisfaction with his life. When he finds out the truth, he realizes that money can't solve everything and that he should have been a better person and not taken the easier way out. His life ends with him realizing this and he finally knew that he was a good person and that in the end, he was already satisfied with himself and he was ready for whatever else lay ahead.

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